ORTEC Nim Devices
Call it an obsession; I like to collect datasheets and manuals. This mostly due to frustration when a casual google search does not yield a datasheet or manual I seek. So whenever I find a datasheet I am missing/need, I add it to the collection.
If you have one I am missing, please share!
Special Thanks to Ite Weide and Marcel for providing some new manuals and updating others
- Ortec_109A_Preamplifier
- Ortec_113_Scintillation_Preamplifier
- Ortec_124_125_Preamplifier
- Ortec_137N_Preamplifier_schematic
- Ortec_142A_142B_142C_Preamplifier
- Ortec_142AH_Preamplifier
- Ortec_142IH_Preamplifier
- Ortec_142PC_Preamplifier
- Ortec_210_Detector_Control_Unit
- Ortec_257N_Charge_Sensitive_Preamplifier_Schematic
- Ortec_265a_Photomultiplier_Tube_Base
- Ortec_266_Photomultiplier_Tube_Base
- Ortec_269_Photomultiplier_Tube_Base
- Ortec_276_Photomultiplier_Tube_Base
- Ortec_276L_Photomultiplier_Base
- Ortec_296_ScintiPack_Photomultiplier_Base
- Ortec_401A-401B_NIM_BINS_402A_PowerSupply
- Ortec_401_NIM_BIN_402A_Power_Supply
- Ortec_401A_401B_NIM_BINS_402H_Power_Supply
- Ortec_402A_402D_Power Supplies
- Ortec_402D_Power_Supply
- Ortec_402H_PowerSupply_With_Schematic
- Ortec_403a_Time_Pickoff_Control
- Ortec_404A_Pile_Up_Inspector
- Ortec_406A_Single_Channel_Analyzer
- Ortec_408_Biased_Amplifier
- Ortec_409_Linear_Gate_and_Slow_Coincidence
- Ortec_410_Linear_Amplifier
- Ortec_411_Pulse_Stretcher
- Ortec_411_Pulse_Stretcher_Schematics
- Ortec_414a_Fast_Coincidence
- ortec_416_Gate_and_Delay_Generator
- Ortec_416a_Gate_and_Delay_Generator
- Ortec_417_Fast_Discriminator_with_Schematic
- Ortec_418_Universal_Coincidence
- Ortec_418a_Universal_Coincidence
- Ortec_419_Percision_Pulse_Generator_with_Schematic
- Ortec_420_Timing_Single_Channel_Analyzer_With_Schematic
- Ortec_420A_Single_Channel_Analyzer
- Ortec_421_Integral_Discriminator
- Ortec_422_Dual_Decade_Attenuator
- Ortec_423_Particle_Identifier
- Ortec_425_Delay
- Ortec_425a_Nanosecond_Delay
- Ortec_426_Linear_Gate
- Ortec_427a_Delay_Amplifier
- Ortec_428_HV_Bias_Supply
- Ortec_428_Detector_Bias_Supply_With_Schematic
- Ortec_430_Scalar
- Ortec_431_Timer-Scalar
- Ortec_432A_Print-Out_Control
- Ortec_433_Sum_Invert_Amplifier
- Ortec_433a_Dual_Sum_and_Invert_Amplifier
- Ortec_435_Active_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_435A_Active_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_436_100MHz_Discriminators
- Ortec_437_Time_to_Pulse_Height_Converter
- Ortec_437A_Time_to_Pulse_Height_Converter
- Ortec_438_Baseline_Restorer
- Ortec_439_Digital_Current_Integrator
- Ortec_440_Selectable_Active_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_440A_Selectable_Active_Filter_Amp
- Ortec_441_Ratemeter
- Ortec_442_Linear_Gate_Stretcher
- Ortec_444_Gated_Biased_Amplifier
- Ortec_446_High_Voltage_Powersupply
- Ortec_446_447_High Voltage Power Supply
- Ortec_448_Research_Pulser
- Ortec_449_Log_Lin_Ratemeter
- Ortec_449-2_Log/Lin+Ratemeter
- Ortec_450_Research_Amplifier
- Ortec_451_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_452_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_453_Constant_Fraction_Timeing_Discriminator
- Ortec_454_Timing_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_455_Constant_Fraction_Timing_and_SCA
- Ortec_455_Constant_Fraction_Timing_and_SCA_Better Schematic
- Ortec_456_High_Voltage_Power_Supply
- Ortec_456H_High_Voltage_Power_Supply
- Ortec_458_Pulse_Shape_Analyzer
- Ortec_459_5KV_HV_ Bias_Supply_Alternate
- Ortec_459_5KV_HV_Bias_Supply
- Ortec_460_Delay_Line_Amplifier_With_Schematic
- Ortec_461_Alarm_Control
- Ortec_462_Time_Calibrator
- Ortec_463_Constant_Fraction_Discriminator
- Ortec_464_Position_Sensitive_Detector_Analyzer
- Ortec_467_Time_to_Pulse_Height_Converter_and_SCA
- Ortec_472_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_472A_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_473a_Constant_Fraction_Discriminator
- Ortec_474_Timing_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_476-8_Multiplexer
- Ortec_480_Pulser
- Ortec_484_Scaler_Photon_Counter
- Ortec_485_Amplifier
- Ortec_487_Spectrum_Scanner
- Ortec_495_Power_Supply
- Ortec_499_Fast_Slow_Logic_Converter
- Ortec_533_Dual_Sum_and_Invert_Amplifier
- Ortec_542_Linear_Gate_and_Stretcher
- Ortec_550_Single_Channel_Analyzer
- Ortec_550a_Single_Channel_Analyzer
- Ortec_551_Timing_Single_Channel_Analyzer
- Ortec_552_Pulse_Shape_Analyzer_and_Timing_SCA
- Ortec_566_Time_to_Amplitude_Converter
- Ortec_567_Time_to_Amplitude_Converter
- Ortec_570_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_572_Spectrsoscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_572a_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_575_Amplifier
- Ortec_575a_Amplifier
- Ortec_579_Fast_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_583b_Constant_Fraction_Differential_Discriminator
- Ortec_584_Constant_Fraction_Discriminator
- Ortec_590a_Amplifier_and_Timing_SCA
- Ortec_659_5KV_HV_Bias_Supply
- Ortec_659_5KV_HV_Bias_Supply_Alternate
- Ortec_660_Dual_5KV_HV_Bias_Supply
- Ortec_661_Ratemeter
- Ortec_661_Ratemeter_Data_Sheet
- Ortec_661_Ratemeter_with_schematic
- Ortec_671_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_672_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_673_Spectroscopy_Amplifier_and_Gated_Integrator
- Oretc_676A_Alpha-King_Spectrometer
- Ortec_701_Manual_Data_Entry
- Ortec_710_Quad_1KV_HV_Bias_Supply
- Ortec_715_Dual_Counter_Timer
- Ortec_719_Timer
- Ortec_729A_Liquid_Nitrogen_Level_Monitor
- Ortec_739_Amplifier
- Ortec_770_Counter
- Ortec_775_775H_Counters
- Ortec_777A_Line_Printer
- Ortec_778_Dual_Counter
- Ortec_778JA_Dual_Counter
- Ortec_785_Auto-Fill_Controller
- Ortec_786_Computer_Module
- Ortec_850_Quad_Single_Channel_Analyzer
- Ortec_855_Dual_Spectroscopy_Amplifier
- Ortec_863_Quad_Timing_Filter_Amplifier
- Ortec_871_Timer_and_Counter
- Ortec_874_Quad_Counter/Timer
- Ortec_875_Counter
- Ortec_879_Buffered_Interface
- Ortec_917_ADCAM_Multichannel_Buffer
- Ortec_918_ADCAM_MultiChannel_Buffer
- Ortec_920e_16_input_Multichannel_Buffer
- Ortec_924_Quad_Discriminator
- Ortec_925_Scint-Ace
- Ortec_926_ADCAM_Multichannel_Buffer
- Ortec_927_Dual_Multichannel_Buffer
- Ortec_928_Octal_Discriminator
- Ortec_934_Quad_Constant_Fraction_100Mhz_Discriminator
- Ortec_935_Quad_Constant_Fraction_200Mhz_Discriminator
- Ortec_974a_Quad_100Mhz_Counter_Timer
- Ortec_976_Quad_250MHz_Counter_Timer
- Ortec_978_Dual_Timer_Pulse_Generator
- Ortec_980_General_Purpose_Interface_Controller
- Ortec_994_Dual_Counter_and_Timer
- Ortec_995_Dual_Counter
- Ortec_996_Counter_Timer
- Ortec_4001a_Modular_System_Bin
- Ortec_4001c_Modular_System_Bin
- Ortec_4002a_96W_Power_Supply
- Ortec_4002d_120W_Power_Supply
- Ortec_4002e_300W_Power_Supply
- Ortec_4002p_Portable_Power_Supply
- Ortec_4003_Preamplifier_Power_Supply_Breakout
- Ortec_4006__mini_Bin_and_Power_Suppl
- Ortec_4163_Dual_Amplifier
- Ortec_4621_Time_Histogram
- Ortec_4623_Signal_Averager_Input
- Ortec_4660_Bandpass_Amplifier
- Ortec_4691_High_Voltage_Power_Supply
- Ortec_9301_9301s_Fast_Preamplifier
- Ortec_9302_Amplifier_Discriminator
- Ortec_9305_Fast_Preamplifier
- Ortec_9306_1GHz_Preamplifier
- Ortec_9307_pico-Timing_Discriminator_with_schematic
- Ortec_9309-4_Quad_Fase_Amplifier
- Ortec_9310_Dual_Divide_by_10_Scaler
- Ortec_9310-16_16_Channel_Fast_Amplifier
- Ortec_9325_Digital_To_Analog_Converter
- Ortec_9326_Fast_Preamplfier
- Ortec_9327_1Ghz_Amplifier_and_Timing_Discriminator
- Ortec_9349_Log_Lin_Rate_Meter
- Ortec_AN302-NL_Quad_DC_Amplifier
- Ortec_PS016_Preset_Scaler
- Ortec_OD410_Charge_Digitizer
- Ortec_LG101/N_Linear_Gate
- Ortec_Delay_and_Gate_Generator
- Ortec_SCM-1
- Ortec_VFC-10
- Ortec_GG200/N_Computer_Module
- Ortec_Electron_Column_Interface
- Ortec_CRM_Controller
- Ortec_c124_Coincidence_Latch
ORtec_C126/n_Strobed_Coincidence - Ortec_c315nl_Regenerative_Majority_Coincidence
- Ortec_cf8000_Octal_Constant_Fraction_Discriminator
- Ortec_co4020_Quad_4input_Logic
- Ortec_digibase_mnl
- Ortec_digibase-e
- Ortec_FTA820a-c_Octal_Fast_Timing_Amplifier
- Ortec_gg8020_Octal_Gate_and_Delay_Generator
- Ortec_h242A_h242B_Preamplifier
- Ortec_rc014_Real_Time_Clock
- Ortec_s424b_Quad_Scalar
- Ortec_S424F_Quad_Scalar
- Ortec_t122nl_Quad_Updating_Discriminator
- Ortec_t140n_Quad_Zero_Crossing_Discriminator
- Ortec_vt120_Fast_Timing_Preamplifier_With_Schematic
- EG&G_5113_preamplifier
- EG&G_LF4000_Quad_Logic_Fan_in-Out
- EG&G_SH8000_8_Channel_Shaper_Fast Amplifier
- EG&G_DV8000 _8 Channel_Variable_Delay
I had some old ortec manuals that came with some other stuff I bought long time ago on a hamfest. I didn’t want to just throw it away.
Thats why I send them to Frank Philipse.
He scanned the documents and put all on his website.
I think there are a few that complement your collection.
Feel free to copy them and put them on your site.
Thank you Sir!
Dear Jay,
I have scanned manuals from:
How can I share?
I have 3 scanned ortec manuals that I could share:
– LF4000
– DV8000
– SH8000
Can I mail them or share them otherwise?
Marcel, Thank you for your comment, I have send an email to the address tied to your wordpress username.
My apologies for not getting back to you sooner.
Thank you for uploading these, I have found them very useful. I think you are missing a manual for the ortec 926 multi channel buffer. I managed to find the manual at https://manualzz.com/doc/48745424/page-1-l-model-926-science-gama-and%2339
unfortunately the quality on the copy is not the greatest but I hope it helps,
Jack, Thank you, I will have it downloaded and added shortly =)
I have definitely put alot more effort into finding Canberra manuals than the ortec ones, but i will circle back around eventually to fill out the ortec list a bit
I’ve just scanned an Ortec 484 Scaler manual, which it looks like you don’t have yet. How may I send it to you?
Thanks for maintaining your manual library!
Hello Jim I am looking for an ortec 484 manual; would you send me a copy please? glen at lmwl.us
Jim, I did try and send you an email asking for the 484 manual when you made this comment. If you are still around and respond to Bubba, please consider passing it along to me as well.
257N_Charge_Sensitive_Preamplifier_Schematic presents details of construction specific for the N type Ge diodes. Do you happen to have a similar schematic for the P-type HpGe? Someone knows how Ortec terms that specific preamp?
I am sorry, but I do not have any knowledge on this specific topic.
I’ll ask around though and report back if I discover anything.
I am interested to see if anyone has any information about EG&G Ortec products handled by the NPL in the late 60’s & early 70’s
I worked for Ortec at that time and there is a particular item, a Nim module I have a fascination for. I want to try and find out about its origin and development. I’d pleased if anyone would like to compare notes etc.
I dont know much about the origin of various modules. But maybe someone does, which module are you seeking info on?
I once, in the 70s or 80s, repaired an Ortec MCA with magnetic core memory. It was built from TTL ICs. I am trying to remember the Model number and search for a picture of it but no luck. Can you help me ?
I think I may even have the Ortec supplied, hand written, description of the circuit operation, but I would have to dig through my pile of old boxes to be sure. I once made a complete block diagram of the whole circuit. I hope I still have it but somehow I doubt it. It was probably the only one that ever existed.
Thats awesome! I don’t know which model you are referring to, but Tim might!