Koeth Collection – Reactors & Weapons Koeth Collection – Reactors & Weapons Author: Tim A small shrine to Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1). Piece of graphite from Chicago Pile 1 (CP-1) A framed lithograph commemorating Chicago Pile 1 (CP-1) made from graphite of CP-1. A post-card commemorating Chicago Pile 1 (CP-1), with the ink made from graphite of CP-1. A Trinity device style spark switch. A Trinity device style spark switch. Assorted pieces fo Trinitite. A piece of the “fat-man” style Duralumin 7-piece housing. 2.5 kg cube of natural uranium from Haigerloch B-VIII German reactor experimentss A sample of heavy parrafin from Norsk Hydro CP-1, Norsk Hydro, and German reactor cube. All carry significant historical impact. Gamma irradiated marbles from Hanford. B-reactor graphite dust collected from the 1943 reactor contrsuction. Last-ditch safety system to shut down the B-Reactor. Signature of some of the Enola Gay crew. “Atom Struck Time” – a roof tile from the rood of the Sairenji Temple, Hiroshima. Krytrons. Nose cone from a B-57 thermonuclear warhead that was dismantled.