12-Inch Cyclotron Papers
The following is a collection of papers chronicling the 12-Inch Cyclotron’s two decade journey. The first papers were written alongside the construction of the 12-Inch Cyclotron (also known as the Rutgers Cyclotron from 2001 to 2016). Now the cyclotron is “complete” and is operating routinely. The cyclotron is now being used for undergraduate teaching by performing beam physics demonstrations and low energy nuclear reactions.
The follow are the above links repeated with more a description of each paper:
A terrible scan of the write up on Tim’s Original 9-Inch Magnet Cyclotron. Same chamber, but used a 9-inch magnet before he got the 12-inch magnet.
This is a paper on the Magnet Field Measurements on the 12-Inch Cyclotron.
This is a paper on the DEE Voltage Measurements of the 12-Inch Cyclotron.
The First Ion Source Paper when we first learning about central orbits.
This paper is on the First Observed Betatron Motion in the 12-Inch Cyclotron.
Second paper on Ion Source Studies Part II.
Paper on the Deflection Chanel for the 12-Inch and all the bizarre HV issues.
A comparison of AVF and WF Magnet Fields for the 12-Inch Cyclotron.
CYC13:Rutgers Cyclotron: Placing Students Careers On Target.
CYC13:Novel Optical Method for Measuring Beam Phase.
CYC13:Teaching Through R&D with the 12-Inch Cyclotron.
CYC13: Beam Physics Demonstrations with a 12-Inch Cyclotron.
CAARI14: Undergraduate Education With the Rutgers 12-Inch Cyclotron.
General paper on Magnetic Field Mapping in WF & AVF cyclotron magnets
A product of USPAS2015: Measuring Tunes from Betatron Motion in the cyclotron.
A fundamental physics measurement: Neutron Diffusion in Polyéthylène.
Neutron Production with the 12-Inch Cyclotron